HIP directors serve for three years with a limit of two consecutive terms. They must be voting members of the organization and must be nominated by a HIP member. The directors are elected by a majority of the membership and/or a majority of the Board. Officers are elected by the Board. HIP’s Board Development Committee has prepared the following slate of candidates for possible election to the Board: 

Election to a First, Three-Year Term:

Raul Moas 
Miami Program Director
Knight Foundation
Miami, FL

Learn More
Jonathan Jayes-Green
VP of Programs
Marguerite Casey Foundation
Seattle, WA

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Dr. Icela Pelayo
Program Officer
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Battle Creek, MI

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Click here to learn more about HIP’s Board of Directors.

The 2021 HIP Board of Directors will consist of 16 elected members.

Please cast your vote in one of the following two ways, clicking on either:

  1. “In favor of the slate” of nominees (submitted by the Board) or
  2. “Reject the slate”.


If you would like to vote as a proxy on behalf on your organization, please cast your vote here:

I hereby appoint Roy Cosme, Board Secretary of Hispanics in Philanthropy, or a substitute acting for him, as my proxy to cast this ballot as marked and to vote on any matter to come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment thereof.