
Become a Member Join the ranks of leading foundations, corporations and individuals that are committed to empowering the Latino community. Participate in fresh and innovative conversations that are challenging the status quo. Connect your employees to a vast and valuable professional network.
The HIP Network HIP’s network includes prominent foundations, corporations and individuals from across the U.S., the Caribbean, and the Americas, including: W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Ford Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, and Kaiser Permanente, as well as small community foundations and family foundations.

Members Levels


For foundations and corporations that are committed to investing in the future of the Latino community and are interested in taking a leadership role in the development of HIP's mission. Annual dues range from $10,000 to $25,000.


For foundations and corporations that share HIP's commitment to diversity and are interested in actively participating in HIP's programs. Annual dues range from $3,000 to $9,999.


For professionals in the field. Annual dues are $250.

Emerging professionals

For students, interns and others interested in learning more about philanthropy. Annual dues are $150.

Memberships Levels and Benefits

Champion Organizational Individual Emerging Professionals
Annual dues $10,000 - $25,000 $3,000 - $9,999 $250 $150
Non-voting HIP membership for employees and trustees Unlimited Unlimited - -
Eligible to serve on the HIP board of directors, working groups and vote at membership meetings Up to 10 Up to 5 -
Get a discount to HIP’s Annual Conference and events
Network and learn at national conferences and regional happy hours
Share your voice in HIP’s network through opportunities to contribute content or speak at webinars and conference workshops
Attend delegations and study tours to learn about the critical issues facing Latinos across the U.S. and Latin America
Receive HIP newsletters about priorities and strategies for funding Latino communities
Recognition on HIP website - -
Early registration for HIP’s delegation and study tours - - -
Annual members spotlight (reaching 38,000 + individuals) - - -


Other ways to get involved:

  • Take Action
    • The Latino community in the U.S. is under attack, and HIP is responding. Join the movement and take action on some of the most pressing issues facing us today.
  • Mid-career Professional? Apply for HIP’s Líderes Fellowship
  • Are you a Foundation Trustee? Join our Trustee conversations. For more details please contact Mireille Posse at
  • Interested in donating to a Donor Advised Fund (DAF)? Anyone can contribute to HIP’s PowerUp Fund!
  • HIPGive
    • HIP’s crowdfunding platform HIPGive helps Latino-led and Latino-serving nonprofits across the Americas to raise awareness and money for their work. Choose your favorite project, donate $10 or $100, and spread the word!