COVID-19 Grantees

Mapping Disparity in the Time of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed that—from health systems to financial institutions to public safety systems—our social structure is failing to protect communities of color. These imbalances are exemplified by the unequal distribution of crisis relief resources in Latin America and the United States. Effectively responding to these concurrent crises requires not only addressing direct needs, but doing so through a lens of dismantling the systemic failures that propagated them.

The pandemic has pushed the philanthropic sector to make shifts in the strategy to respond to the health crisis that is hitting the world and reexamine their strategies in every corner of the globe. The Latin American and Caribbean region is not the exception to this as one of the greatest challenges is a lack of funding to support and sustain NGOs who are providing immediate emergency relief to frontline, indigenous, women and essential workers.

HIP is working to flatten the “inequity curve” for Latinx families, businesses, and the nonprofits that serve them. HIP has launched emergency funding to assist Latinx-led and Latinx-serving organizations offset unexpected costs incurred by the rapidly-changing situation spurred by COVID-19; thus far targeting seven areas: farmworkers, other essential workers, migrant and asylum seeker serving organizational networks, advocacy, women, civic participation, and small businesses. Our grantees (primarily grassroots organizations whose budgets provide little flexibility) have been and will continue to be supported in their efforts to adapt for the current disruption and participate fully in forthcoming recovery efforts.

To date, HIP has provided over $10 million to support an equitable COVID-19 response for frontline nonprofits in the Americas and small businesses in the United States. The first round of grants through the emergency fund were disbursed in early March and we have since deployed additional rounds while building a strategy for continued relief, equitable recovery and access to technology to increase civic engagement in the Latinx community and in origin, transit and destination communities in Latin America.

Through the collaboration of RacismoMx we were able to highlight the importance of the intersection that exists between race and inequities within Mexico and other parts of Latin America especially for indigenious, afro-mexican and other vulnerable communities that have been affected by the pandemic. The RacismoMx team provided support in creating video-interviews to showcase the voice of some people from these most vulnerable communities that have been struggling throughout the pandemic.

With our COVID-19 impact disparity data mapping project, we are showing the disparate impact that COVID-19 has had on the Latinx community and the disparity that has come to light in Mexico and Latin America due to racism, classism and colorism. At the same time, we’re highlighting stories of resilience, hope and innovation in our communities, showcasing how our grantee partners’ work has shifted and how you can get involved to support their efforts at a local level.

From the start of the pandemic, our communities throughout the Americas have identified ways to move from surviving to thriving. From creating internet cafes in their homes and organizations to partnering with farmers to provide healthy food options and community refrigerators in the community. These are their stories and information on how you can get involved.

Centro Cultural Latino Unidos

Unlimited Potential

El Rio Grande Education Collaborative

Centro de Trabajadores Arriba Las Vegas

Semillas Tennessee

Adelante Alabama Worker Center


Fe y Justicia Worker Center

Play Sharity Foundation

Women Working Together USA

Fuerza Laboral