2021 Year in Review

HIP’s Migration program mobilizes resources to fund frontline organizations defending the rights of people on the move. We believe in the power of migrants and refugees. We believe in the power of owning our own narratives and voices. We also believe in the contributions we make to our communities, and the power of collaborative and collective action for lasting solutions.
In 2021, HIP funded 60 new migration projects with more than $1.8 million:
  • 30% in the U.S., 
  • 55% in Mexico and Central America, and 
  • 15% in South America. 
Our partners received this funding to support their frontline direct services, to advocate for the dignity of migrants, and to strengthen the ecosystem in the region.
With 100 partners in the region, our work has been as vital as ever as we have witnessed increased human rights violations along migrant routes for people on the move in 2021, including the arrival of thousands of Haitians to the Mexico-U.S. border, the egregious response by the U.S. Border Patrol, and the complex reality of the Haitian migration flow through the continent became ever more apparent. HIP mobilized an initial $75K in additional resources for Haitian-serving organizations, providing humanitarian support with first responders in shelters, legal and medical advice, and psychosocial counsel and will increase its investments to these organizations over the next two years. 
We heard from our partners the importance of convening to coordinate and collaborate with each other in response to these challenges. For this reason, HIP focused our capacity building initiative Project M, in cooperation with Civic House, Kubadilli, and Wingu, to exchange, connect experiences, and strengthen the network of partner organizations, including through HIP’s Virtual Human Rights Summit. HIP partners received access to the Knowledge Path training resource (available in Spanish and English) on financial sustainability, organizational adaptability, and digital transformation. 
Together with our grantees we built two StoryMaps: one for Central America and one for the Venezuelan flow in the south of the continent. In cooperation with artists like Cruz Noguera, we told several migration stories, we listened to songs inspired by real stories with Natalia Serna from Corazón Norte to honor World Refugee Day, and in partnership with Racismo MX, CAFEMIN, and Espacio Migrante we launched a women crossing borders video with Haitian and Honduran women recounting their migration experience. 
In 2022, with deep gratitude for our partners, funders, members and allies we continue to support the ecosystem of partners advocating for more dignified conditions and treatment of people on the move. Together we advocate, resource, and serve in the belief of the power of migrants and refugees towards lasting solutions for our communities.